RISTO WEAVE is a limited edition leather cushion with classic weave pattern. The leather strips create an exciting play between light and dark. Concept in collaboration with Robin Sluijzer (Studio Sluijzer).
Shipping costs are calculated per order and depend on your geographical location. Please check the table below to which zone your country belongs. Any additional customs and clearance charges are the responsibility of the recipient.
10.00 | EU - ZONE 1 NL / B / D / L
€ 15.00 | EU - ZONE 2 DK / F / FL / A
€ 20.00 | EU - ZONE 3 I / MC / N / E
€ 25.00 | EU - ZONE 4 FIN / IRL / PL / CZ / S / P
€ 35.00 | EU - ZONE 5 BIH / H / LV / LT / RO / SRB / SLO / SK / EST / HR
€ 50.00 | EU - ZONE 6 GR / IS
€ 20.00 | NON EU on EU continent - ZONE 7 UK / CH